Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Day 3 of the Sketch Project

This sketch I really like. Partly because I really like feet. In high school, my friends used to say I had a foot fetish, but I honestly wouldn't go that far. I know a lot of people are totally grossed out by feet, but I think feet are beautiful. And so darn sturdy. Such hard workers that don't always get the admiration they deserve :).

I decided to sketch my feet today. Now, in my attempts at shading, I fear I may have sketched cave men feet. lol. My feet really aren't hairy (although some say I have hobbit feet), and while my medium of choice will mostly be charcoal pencils, I threw in some red to ... um... feminize these shaded things (my toenails are really red too).

I also have something called Morton's Syndrome where my second toes are the head honcho of the bunch. My Dad used to joke and say that it was a sign of royalty (I got it from him). I've said that straight-faced, and people have believed me. If you are also a second-toer... you might try it :).


Eric Alan Ordway said...

Really like this one, simple and straightforward.
Yea, under-recognized feet! Lol

Unknown said...

In Sri Lanka, there is a saying for head honcho second toes. To be fair, I don't remember it accurately but it goes something like this:

"If your second toe is the biggest, the female will be dominate in the marriage."

I hope a Sri Lankan doesn't read this and say I'm totally off.

Beth Stice said...

That comment made me laugh out loud. How funny! That definitely is not the case with Blake and I, but I could see how that saying could get some laughs....

Anonymous said...

I think you might be the first person I've come across who actually likes feet! I had no idea there was a name for the longer second toe thing. My toes are the same way... My dad also told me it was because we were of royal decsent!

Elias Da Silva said...

this is simply a great sketch. i can't draw feet at all. nice work.

Haley Rae French said... i was reading your post, it caused me to glance down at my feet and i realized they were placed just like yours in the sketch and i'm currently sporting the red polish too ;) however, i will not attempt to sketch they would be unrecognizable!