Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Military Pop Stars.

We've been watching a lot of war movies lately, and when I say "we," I mean Blake. Sometimes, war movies bother me, so I do dishes, or iron, or talk on the phone. And then I watch an education documentary like "Waiting for Superman." In any case, while getting ready for our days, Blake was singing one of my favorite White Christmas classics, "We'll follow the Old Man, wherever he wants to go..." and slowly moved into, "Praise the Lord, and pass the ammunition..." (not from White Christmas).

All this soon got me thinking of Bing Crosby in White Christmas. He plays a talented and well-known crooner who serves in the army during World War II. I started to consider our current entertainers and how well they might fare if their fate suddenly involved a draft into the military. It caused me to chuckle. Now, obviously I don't know any of them personally, but the difference that has occurred in a few generations shocked me. I don't even know quite what to call it, other than the reign of almighty self. I love that I am living now. Present. Here. I also respect a lot of what other generations before us valued: Serving God, Country, Family, and Others.