Sunday, March 21, 2010

Days 5, 6, and 7 of the Sketch Project

I made it back from my mini- ministry trip up to an Indian Reservation in Northern California. We put on a women's retreat there, and it was pretty sweet.

As for sketching for Day 5, I decided to try that layering the cat business (great idea, whoever posted that), and it turned out interesting. I only got 3 different rolls on top of each other, but it sorta works:
For Day 6, Blake and I enjoy going to airports to watch planes take off and land. So, I sketched this cool Cirrus while we were there:
And lastly, bikes with baskets REALLY make me happy. So I sketched this one. However, sketching bikes with baskets DO NOT make me happy. There are a lot of circles (hard) and TONS of straight lines (also hard). There you have it:

Glad to be back :). Happy blogging!


Unknown said...

beth, hope your trip was wonderful! your sketches are so cool. so intricate! love them.

Unknown said...

Those are cool. I really like the layered cat stuff.

Anonymous said...

LOVE the airplane! and I agree: bikes with baskets are a very happy sight.

Jeremy Benson said...

the layering cat ended up pretty cool.
The airplane, though, is fantastic. woah

Elias Da Silva said...

i love the cat sketches, they remind me of the animatrix for some reason.

Ashley Hankins said...

I really like the bike with the basket!

Taylor Hankins said...

this bike reminds me of the one that lasted me about 3 months in was amazing

Anonymous said...

Awesome work, Beth. The plane is the coolest item, in my opinion. The cat is the most daring item, excellent bravery.