Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Day 2 of the Sketch Project

2nd day of sketching and I'm really enjoying it :). I am a sucker for any kind of routine or structure, so knowing that I WILL be sketching something daily makes me super happy!

Today, I attempted to sketch the cat, Bob, but was sadly unsuccessful. I thought that since he was napping, I could quickly sketch him in a motionless position. He is an active sleeper apparently. I started a few different poses, but he rolled over multiple times and I gave up.

So I settled on the outdoor fireplace. Those don't move much, and it is beautiful and quiet and warm. All things I love :). I sketched a cold fireplace in the afternoon, and the mantle has some girthy candles on top (in case you are wondering what those are).

Love reading all your thoughts and blessings on your blogrimage aspirations.


Elias Da Silva said...

not bad at all. much better than what I could do. that's for sure. I hope sketching is as healing for you as photos have been for me.

Unknown said...

Glad the fireplace didn't roll over. Good job!

What do you mean by, "In Flight of Eternity"?

Jeremy Benson said...

nice fireplace.

I think you should try sketching the cat again. When he rolls over, start a new sketch, but directly on top of the original sketch. That could be interesting. possibly.

Haley Rae French said...

beautiful... wish i could sketch like this!

Anonymous said...

Love you friend - it's so great to connect on a medium like this.
I thought I had left my link on the Blogrimage site, but maybe not? Unfortunately I can't access that site on dial-up, so I will have to wait for the weekend to try again.

Loving the sketches!

Anonymous said...

cats are totally hard for me to draw too! the fireplace is making me crave a s'more... and I share your love for routine - mostlyy becausei am so bad at it, so when I actualy attain it, it's almost magical.

Beth Stice said...

Pradeep - In Flight of Eternity.... basically God has been bending my perspective to His lately, in that I want to see all things in Light of Eternity. Paul says our hard times are light and momentary, and that is true... with eternity in mind. As for the flight part - I am totally captured by birds in flight - and our journey here on earth could be a flight per se. I liked it.

Mel - you did put your link up once, but I think the idea is to put it up daily if possible... I miss you tons friend! Can't wait to find out your next big news!

Anonymous said...

Ah!I didn't realize that...
I am kindof in a bind actually. I can't update because of dial-up & the fact that we are restricted to facebook lite (which doesn't allow for groups or links).

Would you possibly be able to post the link for my new blog each day? Maybe a big "ON BEHALF OF MELISSA WATSON" or something might help with the confusion. It would be such a huge help, & I would love to connect w/the community in that way.

I'll make you a deal. If you move to Africa in the next 30 days, I will post your links when you are stuck with dial-up :)

Love you friend! Let me know if you have any other suggestions.

Beth Stice said...

I can totally do that for you friend! Love and blessings!

Eric Alan Ordway said...

This is a great idea! Sketching once a day... you've inspired me to pick it up again :)

Great sketches, definitely would love to see what you come up with if you decided to draw the cat's pose over and top of each other time and time again